Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sell Your Home Faster with a Pre-Listing Home Inspection

LendingTree Home Equity

The reports abound about a slow down in the real estate market. Homes are sitting on the market for longer periods of time, and sellers are finding that buyers are more concerned with the condition of the home. With more homes on the market to choose from, buyers can afford to walk away from a deal, if the conditions of the home are not to their satisfaction.

How well do you know YOUR home?
• Why wait for a buyer’s Home Inspector to uncover hidden problems, after you have already accepted an offer that could end up costing you thousands in a lower negotiated selling price?
• A Professional Seller’s Pre-Listing Home Inspection can help you identify critical areas of concern up-front
• You decide whether to perform repairs or disclose during initial negotiations

Pre-listing Home Inspection Benefits
There are many benefits to having your home inspected before listing. With a pre-listing inspection your home could sell faster and for more money without any renegotiations because results of the inspection will be presented ahead of time. Your potential buyer will be reassured about the condition of the home from the detailed inspection report. A pre-inspected listing will also give you the ability to fix any problems and deal with any issues ahead of time, so there won’t be any surprises.
1. Home could sell faster!
2. Home could sell for more money!
3. No more buyers walking away because they think there is a problem with the house.
4. No deal-killing home inspector picking your home apart after the deal is done.
5. No 11th hour renegotiations based on the inspector's findings.
6. No helpless feelings that an inspector has raised an issue that is not a big problem.
7. No more buyers getting cold feet when they find out the home is not perfect.
8. No more buyers walking away because they don't have time for an inspection. 9. No more parade of inspectors through your home before a multiple-offer situation.
10. You choose the inspector based on reputation and credentials.
11. You resolve any differences of opinion before the house goes on the market.
12. You fix any problems you like or recognize the problem and reflect it in the purchase price - take it off the table as a negotiating tool against you.
13. Inspection Report can be made available as an HTML web page link, to be included on your listing agent’s web site. That way, prospective buyer’s can see the report in advance.

Many inspectors will come back to re-inspect fixes
If you fix or improve areas noted in the report, many home inspectors will return to the home, to update the report to reflect the current status. This can be a big selling advantage, in particular in a slower market, where buyers are more concerned with condition and value.

As real estate market conditions continue to soften, you need every advantage possible to help your home sell. Don’t wait with your fingers crossed, hoping the buyer’s home inspector doesn’t find any problems. Consider a pre-listing home inspection to put you in the driver’s seat and to present your home in the proper light.

****Recommended Reading****

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Home Inspections - Click Here!

Scott Home Inspection - A Colorado Professional Home Inspection company serving Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley and surrounding areas, including Radon testing, Mold inspector.

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